
Don Berryman ~ Celebration of Life

Don's Favourite Place

DON BERRYMAN ~ October 1, 1950 – May 12, 2017

On July 16th, 2017, POWERHOUSEs’ past and present members, along with other Hamilton musicians, family and friends  paid tribute to the last founding member of the band. It was an emotional day filled with tears, laughter and music. A beautiful tip of the hat to this multi-talented, dedicated friend and bandmate.

An Eastern Redbud will be planted and a memorial bench put in place, on October 1, 2017 at the Bob Kemp Hospice in memory of Don and other members of POWERHOUSE that have left us too soon.

Don was the webmaster for the band, hence, the change in the website. Don’s flare for storytelling and dedication to the logging of the bands’ shows and history will be greatly missed. Everything will still be available through links on this revised site.

Don Berryman

ROCKINGHAM: A tribute to a beloved Hamilton musician

One Reply to “Don Berryman ~ Celebration of Life”

  1. I found myself thinking of Don and am saddened by his departure. I went to school with Don at Mohawk in Hamilton. I lived with him on London Ave. in Hamilton and Surrey Lane in Aldershot. He was “instrumental “ in my life while at Mohawk and when working at AECL. I can’t begin to imagine how saddened other people, who him longer than I did, were on learning of his departure. His positive approach to life, creativity and ability to understand and explain things are what I remember about him.

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